Human: At the core of DevOps success

Human: at the core of DevOps success

Over the past two years, people have noticed an unpredictable amount of changes in how organizations work, collaborate, and communicate. Thanks to the DevOps strategy, companies were able to improve networking, collaboration, and communication in a remote working environment. The human factor of DevOps strategy is at the core of all DevOps success. 

The area of DevOps is continuously increasing. From transforming the working process to communication between teams, all the processes are part of DevOps. The increasing use of technology is also increasing the demand for security. Teams are working to secure the systems by using the updated version of tools and automating the processes. Speaking of automation, organizations are now primarily dependent on automated processes. From writing code to delivering the software, automation adds value in every stage.

Though the DevOps process has changed so much over time, one thing didn’t change at all. That is the demand for skilled DevOps engineers. The difference between a successful and an unsuccessful company relies on here. This blog tells why humans are still at the core of DevOps success.

Human and DevOps Success

Teams collaborate more effectively when they use DevOps. This requires automation throughout the development process. With automated processes, development cycles are shorter. Coding is completed in minutes instead of hours. Even small mistakes can be corrected automatically. During the automation process, errors are detected before they occur, alerts are sent on time, and minor issues are automatically fixed. So, anyone can say that automation is capable of doing all significant tasks. But who made it capable? Of course, the humans working in the DevOps team.

The pandemic has also shown us the importance of DevOps. Organizations require DevOps to cope up with the changing situation. Both developers and operators are responsible for maintaining the security system of the business. DevOps culture and shared mindset are increasing innovation.

Future of DevOps

The terms DevOps and DevSecOps were first used in 2009. At that time, it was not widely used by organizations. The situation has changed now. As more organizations are learning about DevOps, they are focusing on building the best-skilled DevOps team. The team ensures a certain level of security in the system. Managing hybrid and multi-cloud and maintaining agility is also the responsibility of DevOps engineers. 

Pandemic has also pointed out the necessity of DevOps in an organization. Organizations will need more skilled teams to ensure collaboration, scalability, agility, quick testing, and system security. So future DevOps engineers are going to have hybrid skill sets. According to research, the demand for DevOps skills will rise to 122%. Experienced DevOps teams will take the businesses to a higher position.

DevOps engineers have always played the lead role behind the scenes. Above discussion proves that humans were at the core of DevOps success, they are, and will always be.