Do SRE and DevOps Go Hand in Hand?

Do SRE and DevOps Go Hand in Hand?

Organizational mindset, operations processes, and culture have to change for SRE and DevOps. Automating is an essential component of both DevOps and Software Reliability Engineering.

The popularity of SRE is on the rise. Monitoring cloud operations and scalable infrastructure is a part of SRE. It also helps organizations to understand the value of DevOps. Read this blog to learn about SRE, DevOps, and how SRE is used in DevOps workflows.

SRE – Why Organizations Need It

SRE is a set of principles to apply in operations and infrastructure processes. This process allows organizations to create highly reliable, scalable, and durable software systems. It also helps to implement. DevOps paradigm.

These are some of the reasons why an organization would need SRE:

· SRE teams broadly understand how the system is connected. So they can easily track metrics and logs.

· SRE encourages DevOps. So they work to reduce the gaps between developers and operators.

· SRE uses automation, machine learning, and deep learning to find alerts and send them to the right person to solve.

· SRE’s can build the best on-call process.

· SRE successfully closes more deals with customers and reduces churn rates.

· Organizations can enjoy reliability throughout the system, including availability, performance, latency, efficiency, capacity, etc.

DevOps – Why Organizations Need It

DevOps, the combination of development and operational process, is a collaborative approach to perform software development tasks. DevOps is built on cultural changes, trust, and teamwork. Following best practices allows organizations to perform automation throughout the software development process.

Here are some benefits of using DevOps:

· Promote better communication within the teams.

· Fast delivery to the market.

· On-time feedback.

· Less downtime and increasing customer satisfaction.

· Support automation.

· High security and scalability.

SRE and DevOps – Do They Go Hand in Hand

The term “DevOps” has many connotations. Many functions and tasks contribute to its success. Adopting DevOps means changing the culture of the organization. Team members need to change their mindset. To ensure software quality, members need to break down silos (development, testing, and operation teams). It also ensures availability while reducing costs. A collaborative approach enhances quality. Shared responsibility and automation increase reliability.

SRE considers the core of DevOps and works on proper implementation and distribution of processes, standards, and automation. SRE streamline the operations. It removes the silos so that the DevOps team can focus on their core job and deliver high-quality software. SRE teams continuously monitor the cloud resources and applications to keep everyone and everything on track. As a result, the DevOps team can work smoothly.

The two are not rivals. They both play vital roles in leading the organization to success. Working hand in hand, like partners, can bring the best value to the organization.