How to Build an Effective Remote DevOps Team

How to Build an Effective Remote DevOps Team

The ongoing pandemic situation has changed the business world dramatically. People are working from home instead of going to offices and working for a definite time. The same goes with the DevOps team.

DevOps is more than a mere combination of teams and methodologies. It means a change in culture and individual mindset. Recently the remote working system has increased the challenges. So, is this the end of DevOps? No, it’s easy to build an effective remote DevOps team if businesses consider some steps and follow accordingly.

Things to Consider for an Effective Remote DevOps Team

Build remote DevOps teams- Below is a list of a few considerations you’ll need to make to succeed:

Build Secured Access System

The first step is to ensure security. Teams need a security system where outsiders cannot enter, but members can get access without difficulties. A popular and commonly used modern system is the Zero Trust Network Access solution. DevOps teams can use cloud platforms to write code, share and upgrade them, and maintain consistency. They also need tools like Git to get access at the same time to use collaborative development tools.

Carefully Invest in Tools

Some DevOps teams include both part-time and full-time members. Teams also include software engineers, developers, operators, project managers, etc. Businesses need to use special techniques and technologies to support remote workers. There are many tools in the market like G-Suit, GitHub, Google Jamboards, Slack, Zoom, etc. Developers need to find the best tool that fits most with the requirements and invest in it. 

Test Automation

There is no alternative to testing code. In some cases, developers need immediate feedback. So they use tools like Flux or Jenkins X., but remote testing can be a bit difficult. The only solution is implementing test automation. Zero human touch increases the reliability of the software. Developers can run tests parallel and speed up the process.

Monitoring Tools

Remote works are highly dependent on the cloud. That is why businesses need cloud-native monitoring tools to check the whole process continuously. Cloud providers have their monitoring tools. Besides this, developers can use specialized motoring tools to integrate the systems and activities.

Call Meetings Periodically

Last but not least, team members often need to call meetings to communicate and share information. Attending a meeting and having a face-to-face remote conversation improves the relationship between teams. Though members are working remotely, they still feel a connection between them. It encourages them to perform well and build a better team.

The above steps can help businesses build an effective team in which DevOps members work from remote locations. The U.S. is heeding a surge in remote work, so building a remote DevOps background is a perfect time.