Why Should Businesses Adopt Continuous Integration?
Continuous Integration allows developers to integrate their code and merge the changes to the main branch code. Before developing CI, developers used to work in isolation. They require waiting for days or weeks to merge the code. Within this time, more merge conflicts used to arise. CI builds a platform where everyone works in a shared control branch. They can continuously share the changes and do not have to wait for others to complete their part.
Why Adopt Continuous Integration (CI) in Business?
CI offered features like test suites, frameworks, etc. These features improve the quality of code. Automation reduces the burden of developers. It also makes the testing and checking process easier. Here are four reasons to adopt CI in business:
1. Code Test
Sometimes, though a code is ready to run, it does not work in a different machine. CI helps to solve this issue. Developers can run the code into the new branch. CI will automatically merge the code. Thus there is no possibility of code fails. If developers make changes in the code and forget to re-test, CI will notify the developers. After completing all the tests, it deploys the code to a production-like environment. This step is essential in practical software development.
2. Build process
After passing all the tests, developers need a build and compilation process. CI helps to activate build and compilation processes. It makes the build process automated to complete the tasks as quickly as possible. CI uses scripts to run the process and send alerts when something goes wrong. It requires less capacity and resources.
3. Review Time
CI carefully merges the code to the main branch. Thus it prevents the master build from getting broken by the changes in the code. CI also communicate with the DevOps team to merge request when needed. It can also predict how the merge will affect the code coverage. As the whole process is automated, it reviews the code within minutes. Early detection of bugs helps to solve error before it creates a big mass. It reduces both the time and energy of the developers.
4. Automate Repeatable Tasks
In today’s competitive world, rapid innovation and quality software delivery is a must to survive. CI tools help developers to build quality software. It automates repeatable tasks. The developers can focus more on building codes than on repeatable tasks like testing, merging, monitoring, etc.
Continuous Integration ensures the quality of the code. It automatically tests all the code before merging it to the master build. Thus developers can rest assured that the code is error-free and ready to deploy. Implement Continuous Integration to provide quality software; there are no alternatives.