Types of SRE Team Implementations

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a process to bridge the gap between developers and IT operations. SRE engineers dedicate full time to create software that improves the reliability of systems in production, responding to incidents, fixing error issues, and usually taking on-call responsibilities. 

Before implementing SRE in, it is more important to allocate some engineering time of multiple folks and find a minimum one part-time advocate for SRE related works or practices within the organization. 

Types of SRE Team Implementation

• Kitchen Sink (everything SRE)

Helps the SRE team by describing where the scope of services or workflow covered is usually unbounded. It is often the first SRE team that exists, and it may grow organically. A proper model needs to adopt, which includes no coverage gaps between SRE teams, and easy-to-spot patterns and similarities between services and projects. SRE acts as a glue between dev teams, creating solutions out of distinct pieces of the application.

• Tools

The tool team is similar to the infrastructure team. The group usually focuses on building software. Thus it helps developer counterparts measure, maintain, and improve system reliability of SRE work. They also focus on support and planning systems associated with infrastructure teams.

• Application

Here, the SRE team focuses on improving the reliability of a critical product or business area. But the security of ancillary services (like batch processors) is the sole responsibility of a different team. Usually, both dev and ops functions are covered by developers. 

• Infrastructure

Infrastructure teams focus on behind-the-scenes efforts to help to make other teams’ jobs faster and easier. They allow product developers to use DevOps practices to maintain user-facing products without divergence in practice across the process. They define production standards as code to work smoothly out any sharp edges to simplify things for the developers.

• Embedded

These teams are attached with developer counterparts, usually one per developer team in scope. The embedded arrangement can be remote, but often, they share the same office with the developers. This team helps SRE to focus on specific problems or groups, allows side-by-side demonstration of SRE practices. 

• Consulting

It is similar to embedded implementation. The only difference is that consulting SRE teams focus on avoiding changing customer configuration and the service’s code. They help to build and maintain tools for developer counterparts. 

Each type of SRE team implementation has its task to complete. Expert members can successfully implement SRE in an organization.