Kubernetes vs Docker I Runnel


Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestrator that was developed in the Google platform. It helps to manage the containerized applications in different types of environments like- physical, cloud, virtual, etc. it is highly flexible and can deliver complex applications.


Docker is an open-source light weight virtual machine, a software packaging, and delivery platform. At the same host, multiple Operating systems can be run using this.

Kubernetes vs. Docker

• Docker was developed by Docker Inc. in 2013 whereas Kubernetes was developed by Google in 2014.

• Docker uses no auto-scaling system while Kubernetes uses an auto-scaling system.

• In Docker setting up the cluster is challenging and complicated. In Kubernetes setting up the cluster is simple and requires only two commands.

• Docker’s cluster strength is stronger than Kubernetes.

• Docker’s installation is easy and fast. Kubernetes installation is complicated and time-consuming.

• Docker shares storage volumes between multiple containers in the same pod. Kubernetes shares storage volumes with any other container.

• Docker allows us to use a third-party tool. For logging and monitoring, Kubernetes allows an inbuilt tool.

• Docker offers auto load balancing. In Kubernetes, load balancing settings need to configure manually.

• Kubernetes scaling up is slower than Docker. But it guarantees a stronger cluster state than Docker.

• In Docker agent update can be performed in place. In Kubernetes, a cluster can be upgraded in place.

• Docker is optimized for a single large cluster. Kubernetes is optimized for multiple smaller clusters.

• Docker has a high fault tolerance. Kubernetes has low fault tolerance.

• Docker can support more than 2000 nodes whereas Kubernetes can support up to 5000 nodes.

• Docker’s container limit is 95000 while the Kubernetes limit is 300000.

• Docker’s public cloud service provider is only Azure while Kubernetes providers are Google, Azure, and AWS.

• Docker is more comprehensive and highly customizable whereas Kubernetes is less extensive and customizable.

• Docker uses an active user base that regularly updates the software. Kubernetes offers strong support from open source communities.

• Docker’s speed considers the strong cluster states. Kubernetes does not consider the speed even in large clusters.

• Spotify, Pinterest, eBay, Twitter, etc. use Docker while 9GAG, Intuit, Buffer, Evernote, etc. use Kubernetes.

Containers allow us to think about services and systems in a completely different, new, and digital way. Docker and Kubernetes are also changing continuously to be better in the future. It helps apps to make more scalable and future proof.

Read Our Popular Blog 10 Kubernetes Features .