10 Kubernetes Features l KUBERNETES l

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is a system as a container orchestration tool that is used when our application is distributed in multiple containers. It is a system for managing containerized applications and also monitor or orchestrate multiple containers. The kind of features it gives us monitoring and it helps us scaling, restarting containers if any of them fails and this all happens automatically. There is no manual intervention required for this and this is what about Kubernetes.

10 Kubernetes Features 

1. Manage multiple containers: Kubernetes can manage multiple containers at the same time.

2. Application-based management: It is an application-centric management system.

3. Heath checks or Self-Healing Capabilities: If containers are not running as it was supposed to run it will automatically take care of them. 

4. Auto scalable: It helps to scale and restart if there is any downtime found and that is an automatic system.

5. Rollouts and Rollback updates: If any change to an application may go wrong, Kubernetes will give you update and rollback.

6. Balancing: This is balancing the containers. By calculating, Kubernetes always knows where to place containers.

7. Networking: Kubernetes will control which server will host the container and how it will launch and plays a role in networking among containers.

8. Self Monitoring: Kubernetes continuously checks the health of nodes and containers and have self-monitoring capabilities.

9. Scheduling feature: Scheduling everything while the workers of the nodes do the job of processing.

10. Offers Security: Kubernetes offers security and also storage services for backups.

Some Additional points about Kubernetes :

Kubernetes is an example in the Google platform of a container management system. 

Kubernetes-Control and automate deployments and updates continuously.

It saves time and money; Kubernetes offers auto Scheduling and Self-Healing Capabilities.

Kubernetes Tests and have auto-correction of applications.

It helps an organization; it can run on-premises OpenStack, public clouds Google, Azure, AWS, etc.

Important basic of Kubernetes –

1. Cluster


3.Node and


Important components-

Master node and Work node. 

The drawback of Kubernetes-

Its dashboard not very useful and effective.